OnePlus 6T India pricing leaked ahead of October 30 launch; starts at Rs 37,999 in india OnePlus 6T India launch: The flagship phone is likely to cost Rs 37,999 for the base model and goes up to Rs 44,999 for the top-end variant. OnePlus has announced that its next flagship, called the OnePlus 6T, will be announced in India on October 30. However, MySmartPrice, has already revealed pricing OnePlus 6T India pricing details ahead of the launch. According to the publication, OnePlus 6T will be launched in three variants, like the OnePlus 6. The base variant of the OnePlus 6, one with 6GB RAM and 128GB of storage will cost Rs 37,999. The second model will reportedly pack 8GB RAM and 128GB of internal storage and should cost Rs 40,999. The third model, likely to cost Rs 44,999, comes with 8GB RAM and 256GB of internal storage. The reported prices suggest that OnePlus 6T will hit retail shelves at a slightly higher price in comparison to its pred...